Pool Party 15′
Valentines Pool Party at Swiss Residence Kandyzone. Legend Entertainment Proudly Presents Valentine Pool Party will be held on 14th of February 2016 at Swiss Residence 9am onwards. Come join us and be a part of the Kandy biggest Party ever!...
One Stage ’16
OneStage '16 Rock & Reggae Music Evening Featured by JayaSri Twins & Chithral Chitty Somapala was held on 6th February 2016 at the St. Anthrony's Auditorium, Kandy 7pm Onwards.
©kandyZone | Buddika Roshan | Ushan Malshika | Isuru Gimhana |...
Christmas Carnival 15′ by Mahawali Reach Hotel
Christmas Carnival 15' was held on 12th of December at Mahawali Reach Hotel 5pm onwards
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJPilaSdai0]
Vidyartha 94 (O/L) & 97 (A/L) Batch Meeting & Get Together.
Vidyartha 94 (O/L) & 97 (A/L) Batch Meeting & Get Together.
'GII VIDARA 2015' | Organized by Old Boys Association of Vidyartha College, Kandy. which was held on 21st of
November 2015 at St.Anthony's College Auditorium.
Salon Adam n Eve celebrated its 20th Anniversary
Salon Adam n Eve celebrated its 20th anniversary with a grand fashion & hair show at the Grand Kandyan. which coincided with the opening of their second branch on the 8th November 2015