Centelle ’19 / Mahamaya Girls’ College Kandy Batch 2017
Annual Reunion of Mahamaya Girls' College Kandy Batch 201730th of November 2019 from 5PM Onwards at Earl's Regent Hotel
©KandyZone | Manula Hewage | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or...
Awards Ceremony for Swimming Champions Mahamaya Girls’ College, Kandy
©KandyZone | Kanchuka Samarakoon | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise without permission of "KandyZone.lk"are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright infringement. KandyZone.lk © 2017 | All Rights Reserved
The BnS Show with Umaria & Randhir
Photographed by
©KandyZone | Editing, reproducing, and re-using the images for commercial purposes or otherwise without the permission of "KandyZone.lk" are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright infringement.
AMIGO’23 – Annual Friendship Day of 1st Kandy Girls’ High School Guide Company
©KandyZone | Editing, reproducing, and re-using the images for commercial purposes or otherwise without the permission of "KandyZone.lk" are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright infringement.
Photographed by
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMnQdVavrbY]
Mayans Rhythm Night
Photographed by
©KandyZone | Editing, reproducing, and re-using the images for commercial purposes or otherwise without the permission of "KandyZone.lk" are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright infringement.
Hillwood College 2016 Batch Reunion
Hillwood College 2016 Batch Reunion was held on 9th of October 2016 at Grand Kandyan Hotel from 6pm on-wards
©KandyZone | Ushan Malshika | Isuru Gimhana | Kanishka M | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or...
The Annual Science Day - CYBORG 2016 organized by the Science Society of Trinity College Kandy was held on 28th of November 2016.
©KandyZone | Isuru Gimhana | Kanishka M | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose...