Monday, March 24, 2025

Bradby After Party 2016

Bradby After Party 2016 organized by Mahaweli reach hotel Kandy was held on 14th of May at Mahaweli reach hotel 10Pm onwards. ©KandyZone | Ushan Malshika | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise, without permission...

Interact Avurudu Fest 16′ by KCK & KGHS Interact Clubs

©KandyZone | KanchuKa Samarakoon , Sulakkhana Herath | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise, without permission of KandyZone, are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright infringement                ...


Presented by the Phisical Culture Club of Trinty College, Kandy.
Food Fest 2015, An International Understanding project for the year 2015 organized by the Interact District 3220 was held on 31st of May 2015 from 9.00am onwards at Kandy City Centre premises.

Food Fest 2015

Food Fest 2015, An International Understanding project for the year 2015 organized by the Interact District 3220 was held on 31st of May 2015 from 9.00am onwards at Kandy City Centre premises. The Interact District 3220 had made every arrangement...