Teen Invasion 2K17

The next big thing to look forward to! A talent show where you get your moment in the spotlight and also great opportunities to...

Teen Invasion Dancing Auditions

Teen Invasion Auditions / TI organized by the Interact Club of Kandy Girls High School was held on 7th of May at School Premises...

Kandy Mums – Mother’s Day Celebrations

The Kandy Mums Society spent an evening with the Gifted Children at Seth Madura on the 6th of May 2017

Softlogic Awards Night – DIALOG TEAM

©KandyZone | Kanchuka Samarakoon | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise without permission of "KandyZone.lk"are strictly prohibited and considered...

Durdans Laboratory Kandy, Get-Together 2K17.

©KandyZone | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise without permission of "KandyZone.lk"are strictly prohibited and considered as intended copyright...

Platinum Awards 2016

Sirasa Sports First Platinum Awards 2016. ©KandyZone | Buddika Roshan | Editing, reproducing and re-using the images for commercial purpose or otherwise without permission...